The E-Gel™ 1Kb Plus DNA ladder is composed of 20 highly purified, double-stranded DNA bands spanning 100 base pairs to 12,000 base pairs. Ladder has 12 evenly spaced bands ranging from 1Kb to 12Kb, quick orientation band at 1,650 base pairs that forms distinct doublet with 2Kb band, and seven bands of round sizes below 1Kb. The E-Gel 1Kb Plus DNA Ladder is specifically formulated with minimal salts to perform exceptionally well on E-Gel™ EX pre-cast agarose gels. Unlike some other DNA ladders, E-Gel 1Kb Plus DNA Ladder has been specially designed to have bands of round, easy-to-remember sizes. Logical band layout, and quick identification doublet, allow quick and easy estimates of band size at glance.
- Round, easy-to-remember band sizes
- Broad size range (100bp–12Kb)
- Formulated specifically for E-Gel EX gels
- Room temperature stable for easy storage
- Single ladder fits most needs
- Ready-to-use formulation for E-Gel and E-Gel EX gels
Agarose Gel Electrophoresis, DNA and RNA Purification and Analysis, Nucleic Acid Gel Electrophoresis and Blotting.